Club Members are entitled to take part in any club activity. It is hoped they will also volunteer to take part in the many activities that support those activities and the
existence of the club – these activities may include taking charge of running events, assisting with setting the course, setting up the rescue boat, taking scores,
maintaining the rescue boat and other equipment, acting as officers of the club, etc etc.

It is only by sharing responsibility for these tasks that the club can continue to thrive and not become a burden on a small number of people who have to provide these services for all consumers of the club’s activity.

The Club membership period runs from the 1st February until the 31st January the following year. The current fees are as follows:

Adult membership – £15.00

Family Membership (max. 2 adults & 2 Juniors, all at the same residential address) – £20

Junior Membership (under 18 years) FREE but may only join as part of a Family or Adult Membership.
Important Note: Junior membership will only be accepted on printed paper copy of the membership form signed by a parent or legal guardian.

A discount if offered for any new member joining after 1st August (until the following 31st January) reducing the Adult/Junior fee to £10.00 and Family to £12.50

Please ensure you have read the Club Constitution and Rules including the Privacy Policy section before completing and submitting a Membership request form.

All membership applications should be submitted via the online form below, with a direct payment to our bank account.

For Model Yachting Association membership please see our separate MYA Membership form here. The Benefits of MYA membership are detailed on
the MYA site here

Please complete and submit the form below to complete your membership application online.

Please enter your full address
Prefered contact number
Your email address will be held by the Club Secretary inline with the clubs privicy policy
Please select the Membership Option you wish to take.
PLEASE NOTE: The Sedgemoor Model Boat Clubs Public Liability Insurance does not cover the use of I/C powered or Steam powered model boats using live steam boilers.
Please tick here if you are already an MYA member.
If you wish to join the MYA please complete our separate MYA Membership form
Membership of the Model Yacht Association is required if you intend to enter MYA district and/or national events.
The club has 3 main sections. Please tick those sections in which you have an interest
Name of person you wish to be contacted in case of Medical Emergency.
This will be kept in a sealed envelope in the clubs’ storage unit and only be opened should a member require emergency medical help during a club event, when the emergency services will normally ask for these details.
It is advised you also notify the club secretary by email if you have any specific allergies, diabetes or medication that may be applicable to any Medical Emergency.
Please confirm you have made a bank payment for the cost of your membership to the SMBC account or will be paying in cash.
All those taking part in an event do so at their own risk and responsibility.
Sedgemoor Model Boat Club and any other parties involved in the organisation of any event disclaim any and every responsibility whatsoever for loss, damage, injury or inconvenience that might occur to persons and goods ashore or on the water as a consequence of participating in any event organised by Sedgemoor Model Boat Club.
At all times the responsibility for the safety of any boat and themselves, plus the decision to participate or continue must rest with the participant.